I grew up in Port Orchard WA. I received a BA from the UWT with a focus on international studies. I have always loved to explore the world as well as other multiple interests including; Acting, Writing, Theology, Psychology and Interior Design, just to name a few. So what do you do when your interests are so diversified? You combine them into writing!
In 2003 I moved to California and in 2004 down to the Los Angeles area where I studied and attained a certificate in feature film writing from UCLA. In 2012 some friends and I formed a production company: You-nique productions, to create children's stories in claymation. For more on You-nique, please click above.
"SIBLINGS" is my first completed novel in a planned series. The next is planned for Summer 2017. True to form, my writing is diverse, covering multiple genras and I hope to soon have something available for all age ranges.